Saturday, May 8, 2010

No place like HOME

I love me some US of A :)

I've now been home for almost a month. It was definitely culture shock at first getting used to air-conditioning everywhere, hot water showers, and crazy Florida drivers. Since living in the laid back Fijian lifestyle it has definitely been hard to jump back into the "Go, go go!" lifestyle here in the States. I kept thinking, "Where am I right now??" haha

I have been so incredibly blessed by the time I've spent with family and friends catching up. Fellowship and quality time with loved ones is something I definitely missed. And of course going to my favorite South Florida eateries such as Cheesecake Factory, Cracker Barrel, Wings n' Things, Vito's, & Laspadas has brought me happiness :)

I praise God for being able to see and talk to most of you who have blessed me with prayers and financial support! I have truly enjoyed being able to share with you all through the internet, phone, or face-to-face about what God has been doing in, around, and through me being an EE missionary in Fiji. And thank you so much for your encouragement. It affirms why I do what I do. All of you should have received from me an update letter, business/prayer card, and support information in the mail. If you did not, please let me know at your earliest convenience to make sure that gets to you.

CHECK OUT if you have not already seen it. The slideshow is pictures of my ministry with Fijian Gospel music in the background, and there is also an article I wrote. Please Enjoy!

Since being home God has given me many different opportunities to share about Fiji missions in the community. I have spoken in a few church services and in elementary, middle, and high school classes at Calvary Christian Academy and Westminster Academy. I was also be part of Missions Night at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church where I had a Fiji booth. I love being able to give people insight into missions in the South Pacific and challenge them in their faith. I have also been busy putting time and energy into my support raising to return to Fiji for another year. God has truly been pouring His blessings and faithfulness upon my efforts.

My annual budget goal is $18,000 which breaks down to $1,500 per month. As of right now, I am halfway to that goal!!! Amen! I am so moved and encouraged by those of you who are recommitting. I believe God has such great and mighty things planned for this next year!

As a result, I am now praying for individuals, families, or churches to partner with this ministry to help me reach that other half. That other half breaks down to 30 people committing to support $25 per month OR 15 people to support $50 per month. I hope that you will be praying for me as I prepare to go back to Fiji and to pray about how you can continue to see lives transformed in Fiji through supporting financially.

Support can be given online at
Click on "Ways to Support"
Then "Online Giving"
Type "Sarah Abadines 6124" in the box and follow instructions

"For I am not seeking my good but the good of many, so that they may be saved."
-----I Corinthians 10:33

If you all have any prayer requests or questions about this ministry, please feel free to contact me by email

Kalougata! (God bless in Fijian)
Sarah Abadines

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